Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Irene Cara - Out Here On My Own

Duration: 186 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-08 08:30:06
User: irenecarashrine
:::: Favorites

"Out Here On My Own" - from Irene's 1982 'Anyone Can See' album. Visit the Irene Cara Shrine - www.irenecarashrine.com - to view other videos.

gregohb ::: Favorites
This song was actually written by Lesley Gore, not Irene Cara. She had a number of hits in the early 60's such as "You Don't Own Me" and "Sunshine Lollipops" - which are great songs and on Youtube videos!
07-06-11 16:22:52
nexypointy ::: Favorites
ok then...but yeah love her to bits.
07-06-12 04:01:08
IBeTheBadman ::: Favorites
this video is a great help to me.. such a beautiful song and she is such a great role model xxx
07-06-20 15:58:26
xracertel ::: Favorites
What is she dong now? What became of her?
07-07-03 22:48:21
bighead6683 ::: Favorites
I am sure that she had a role in ER and on Veronica Mars - or was that the other Coco Henedez?
07-07-12 18:49:50
Jannsmith ::: Favorites
One of the prettiest songs! And Irene has such a beautiful voice.
07-07-14 14:08:16
pandmits ::: Favorites
The other, Erica Gimpel.
07-07-19 14:38:59
penpocket12 ::: Favorites
All voice, no nastiness! Us 30somethings remember Irene.
07-07-29 00:09:19
wonderboychocolate ::: Favorites
Excellent song...Talented...I was just watching the movie SUPERSTAR...and she statred to sing this song...it remimnded me of this movie...Thx for Posting..One of my favorite movies
07-08-05 18:14:49
narcosiseternity ::: Favorites
i love this song. and i love her voice. and i love fame!!
07-08-10 15:47:33

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