Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Between the Trees - The Way She Feels Music Video

Duration: 220 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-26 03:25:00
User: bondedrecords
:::: Favorites

www.betweenthetrees.net - www.twloha.com enjoy the first video from between the trees for the song, the way she feels. between the trees like to tour. they like to play the music. they like trees. we hope you like them... between the trees - the way she feels the end.

Hookie2011 ::: Favorites
omfg, you're my heroe. thank you for explaining that to people. people dont cut for no apparent reason jerk offs
07-08-11 13:23:56
PotatoMyth ::: Favorites
ILOVETHISBAND. i didnt know this much people knew about it! :D this band rocks...
07-08-11 22:59:16
CloseYourEyez ::: Favorites
yes! thank you... its true, people cut to try and deal with issues that they cant handle! anyone who thinks cutters arent people are fricken jerks!! you shouldnt even refer to them as cutters because they are just people! damn!
07-08-12 17:00:27
janabanana4222 ::: Favorites
i so totaly agree with u they are people to and they do cut them selvs because they gave issues they cant handle and its not they are a bad person and that what i hate about some people is they think they are a bad person
07-08-12 21:20:57
chocogyrl098 ::: Favorites
omg... i cried the first time i watched this video
07-08-13 00:03:26
emogirl8880900 ::: Favorites
omg just becuase people cut doesnt make them bad ppl or fags or losers or anything god that just pissis me off and its really none of ur bussnies but i cut and and its just i dnt no just stop saying we are bad ppl becuase we cut we arent ad we have reasons to cut
07-08-13 15:56:52
PATDfobMCRxXx ::: Favorites
dude, some people, nvm your just a jackass.
07-08-13 19:53:54
Lizzard9313 ::: Favorites
stfu. u dnt know what ur talking about and this is a great song. i dont know what ur problem is and ur insulting alot of ppl and u dont have to be a jackass about it. i dont know what ur problem is but u just need to shut up cause u shouldnt be talking about something you dont even understand.
07-08-13 19:56:48
Lizzard9313 ::: Favorites
btw, that msg was to madjames231
07-08-13 20:00:10
4islovely ::: Favorites
I'd watch what you say when you have a comment on suicide. Especially when you dont even know the person. I dont think I've ever heard a more retarded comment in my life. It's great that you're life is so amazing that you can "joke" about this kind of thing, but watch it. Seriously. Its not something to joke about. Not trying to be a bitch, just fair warning. Honest. I hope you'll except my apologies if I did come off as rude. 4ly
07-08-13 23:36:21

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