Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Bleach "Soul Society" Kamelot

Duration: 287 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-29 19:08:19
User: OtakuBakaNeko
:::: Favorites

Update!!: I'm working on making this video better. I watched it again and I've decided there are a lot of places I could put in some better stuff, so I'm going to be re-releasing it as a better version. I'll be deleting this one when I've got v2.0 out. ^-^ I did this music video on the suggestion of a good friend of mine, known on gaia as Follow My Lied. The song, Soul Society is part of a rock opera by Kamelot (a really good band!) and it's a lot different than most of their music. I thought it went perfect with Bleach (because they go to Soul Society) and when I read the lyrics, I thought it would be perfect to pair with Rukia's story. This is my second complete video. ^-^

TensaZangetsu6 ::: Favorites
this amv is so damn deep...especially with ichigo n rukia...I LUV IT :D
07-07-12 17:00:21
Wich13 ::: Favorites
And your opnion is the bastard child of your stupidity. Just because you happen to think anime is the bastard child of poetry doesnt mean the rest of us do.
07-07-14 03:14:19
twototrango ::: Favorites
Don't worry, I'm not condemning every un-hugged dork that leeches onto this pretentious dribble, I'm condemning this pretentious dribble alone. Go ahead, dress like a lichen, I'm not judging. But there is a standard to which all art is subject to. Anime isn't immune to it. :D
07-07-14 18:01:18
Wich13 ::: Favorites
Yeah but the problem is you are still insulting something a lot of us enjoy watching. if you cant say something positive, piss off.
07-07-14 19:21:47
ebazz8305 ::: Favorites
07-07-22 17:36:00
RelativelyBest ::: Favorites
Not judging? You call us dorks and tools, your very tone dripping of content, and you dare claim not to judge us? And then you have the gall to speak of pretentiousness on top of it all? If you are going to attack our taste in entertainment, at least have the common decency to be honest about it. Even the most narrow-minded flamer has that much spine.
07-07-25 05:32:38
ThereseTheCute ::: Favorites
its awsome dont remove it or il hunt you down and beat you to a pulp .:P
07-07-26 17:27:36
Kaufman8 ::: Favorites
hentai! IG TO BONER
07-08-10 18:46:23
lpjonnyt ::: Favorites
twot are all i got from ur comment is hey im a racist dick slapping homo loving democrat, nough said
07-08-13 01:41:09
kjemik ::: Favorites
07-08-13 10:17:07

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