Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Ghost's of Long Beach II ( are we in heaven yet )

Duration: 10:52 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-23 16:03:21
User: prisimoflight
:::: Favorites

My personal private ghost photography of real live ghost's shot in the Long Beach california area

hi ! friend ,,u gotta a nice video and u amazed me by ur video and thank s for ur video man !
07-08-25 04:51:48
Stormfire28 ::: Favorites
you can have really choose better music and it would have been far more relaxing then all this "high dramatic" music..LOl
07-05-18 00:00:33
gwops ::: Favorites
Hey Prism, great video ! :-)
07-05-01 02:23:15
traxs33 ::: Favorites
yer prism nice one hun another great vid from ya loves the pics alf x
07-04-27 21:12:20
prisimoflight ::: Favorites
Thanks my sweet one
07-04-27 03:26:14
BlackRoseX ::: Favorites
totally awesome mommas i wuv it i have brought the video editor in you......guess now i know where i got the talent from lol i love it totally 5 thumbs up!!!!!!!!! XP
07-04-26 22:34:33
gwops ::: Favorites
5 thumbs up ?? o_O - ALIEN ALARM - loool
07-05-01 02:24:06
Inanna27 ::: Favorites
Oh Prism.. let me tell you.. the more often I see your pictures, or lets say your video here, the more spirits I see.. I am astonished of my own receptive eye - I have to repeat myself here... "Excellent work!!!!!
07-04-24 02:53:08
Oct13baby ::: Favorites
Incredible pictures! Amazing how you were able to capture spirits in many forms including manifestations! Thank you for sharing your personal collection with us.
07-04-23 22:50:06

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