Sunday, August 26, 2007

"How-to": Crack a combination lock

Duration: 07:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-02 09:44:08
User: HeaviestJ
:::: Favorites

An interesting way to crack a combination lock. For educational purposes only.

panterarocks9 ::: Favorites
I was expecting it not to work but it did and that is just amazing. it took me 71 Tries
07-08-23 22:54:29
perpunk8 ::: Favorites
that is so cool i did it and it works!
07-08-23 22:48:35
wadoodp235 ::: Favorites
Cool clip. This website is pretty good for hot girls - <B> _SUNNYFAIRY.COM_ </B>
07-08-22 08:41:10
StarvMarv ::: Favorites
it DOES work tho. so don't say it doesn't. i've tried it on about 6 locks and all of them has worked.
07-08-21 17:10:14
zelda95master ::: Favorites
anyone agree with me
07-08-20 15:09:38
StarvMarv ::: Favorites
it works dude.
07-08-21 17:13:44
zelda95master ::: Favorites
why doont it work on mine????
07-08-21 18:29:01
zelda95master ::: Favorites
you liar. you suck
07-08-20 15:09:01
zelda95master ::: Favorites
he said the 4 posible remainders was 0,1,2,and 3. later he said if your remainder is a 0 or a 1 the 0=2 and 1=3, but then hes said if its a 3 or a 4 3=1 and 4=2. but he said that the only possible remainders was 0,1,2,and 3. then how could there be a 4=2 when there is no 4???
07-08-20 15:08:12
zelda95master ::: Favorites
i did it like ten different times and got the same excact numbers everytime and did excactly what you said and i later found out on mistake that the right combo to mine had nothing to do with what i wrote down
07-08-20 14:41:32
MistakenUse ::: Favorites
way to break into lock- - you will need: hammer
07-08-18 06:22:47
Knowsall12 ::: Favorites
w00t! it worked!
07-08-18 01:21:30
user222conor ::: Favorites
my lock has 59 digits...
07-08-16 00:07:53
afp199 ::: Favorites
wtf that was the combinatoin for my locker o.o
07-08-13 21:20:44
fmjkevlar ::: Favorites
or you could make a shim and open it in a space of 10 seconds? lol and it wont break the lock too. make it out of a coke can! it shows you on here
07-08-13 18:00:48
dyhs2006 ::: Favorites
howcome u divide by 4
07-08-13 03:43:04
smeltelf ::: Favorites
Incorrect all master type dial combo locks have 3 numbers in the combo
07-08-09 09:17:55
VChocolate ::: Favorites
but watch out..when ur number has a 0 in all fucx up
07-07-30 21:28:57
rafax241 ::: Favorites
only problem when doing this illegally, is when, your weak in math...
07-07-30 20:19:28
MrNotebook ::: Favorites i know who stole my bike.
07-07-29 23:14:33

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