Sunday, March 30, 2008

Vivaldi Concerto in d 'per Pisendel' by Giardino Armonico

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-04 12:03:39

Vivaldi-Concerto in d minor 'per Pisendel' RV242 Il Giardino Armonico. Enjoy this fantastic piece!


HaMoOhAhA  2008-03-27 01:53:17

Telemann is not REMOTELY deeper than Vivaldi. I'm siding with Harmonico there. The Four Seasons are enough evidence to prove that.
HARMONICO101  2008-03-27 01:48:15

Frankly too, Telemann's music is not generally "deep". He wrote alot of "casual" music. If you can prove me wrong, give me some TWV numbers and I'll give those pieces a listen.
HARMONICO101  2008-03-27 01:46:06

I like Telemann & Bach alot, but we wouldn't have the Telemann or Bach we know if it wasn't for Vivaldi. Your comment also leads me to believe you haven't listened to alot of Vivaldi.
8497289  2008-03-23 05:52:19

typical vivaldi concerto, demonstrating the virtuosity not only of vivaldi but of Enrico Onofri (violinist). but as is the case with much of vivaldi's work, it lacks a particular emotional depth such as can be found with Bach or Telemann
annakim925  2008-03-13 17:31:05


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