Sunday, March 30, 2008

2006 USC vs. Washington Basketball

Duration: 00:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-29 16:44:30

View from the student section of UW's game tying three pointer in overtime. SC went on to win the game, so I have no problem downloading this shot.


godawgs06  2007-04-12 22:00:17

That game was the beginning of the end for our season. We never really picked it up from that point on. Oh well, with or without Hawes, I expect UW to improve next season.
puma1077  2007-03-10 17:27:54

that shot was money, and as UW student it sucks that we lost. but now please do all us huskies a favor and murder Oregon in the pac-10 final!
scbtnd  2006-12-29 17:05:32

minimize the screen for better clarity.

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