Tuesday, February 19, 2008

15 year old Boy Scout saves President from assassination!

Duration: 00:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-09 07:41:19

boy  scout  assassination  saves  president  bush  worst  person  world  gitmo  habeas  corpus  military  rove  gonzales  cheney  iraq  


January 08, 2008 CBC The National


lidixmang  2008-01-15 21:19:12

When I was a kid, my Boy Scout troop was just a bunch of kids who went camping. How is that anything like Nazis? We didn't prevent anyone from joining and just because we wore a stupid brown shirt doesn't mean it had anything to do with social fascism.
SinfulFluffy  2008-01-15 19:59:29

Because they're kind of the same thing? The only real difference is you're not having political propaganda shoved down your throat constantly as a Boy Scout! Just mostly.
rareram  2008-01-14 14:10:43

I can't say that i would ever want to be close to bush now days... Now if it was Ron Paul... yes i would leap for the knife... As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now let us show them we can fight like men also. Thomas Jefferson
RemiG2006  2008-01-10 09:03:32

lidixmang  2008-01-10 03:25:46

How could you possibly compare the Hitler Youth to the Boy Scouts?

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