Monday, October 8, 2007

When I First Felt Fat, and Not so Sassy

Duration: 08:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-26 06:56:13
User: ElleRigby
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The story of when I lost the ability to run around innocently in my bathing suit, not a care in the world about how I looked.


lolabosma00 ::: Favorites
the sattest thing is that your a georgious girl.. who cares about your thighs not touching? in the medical world that's an sign of malnutricion!
07-09-19 10:14:13
Missmafia0 ::: Favorites
wow i know exactly what your talking about it was my thighs my calfs when i was younger little comments my parents would make, my perception all changed around the same age
07-09-19 08:44:10
starvingforinsanaty ::: Favorites
Your beautiful and you are thin and your mom and familly they can be your best and worst friends in life that's just how it works.
07-09-15 23:08:24
Lottez ::: Favorites
i recognize such a turning point. like suddenly it's just.. over and you see yourself as fat. it sucks. i was looking at a photo of myself at summervacation and my brother said something like.. whoa you look pretty big in this picture. he was just 10 years and i was 13 or so and than it hit me. i was becoming fat. anyways, take care, you're amazing :]
07-09-11 10:25:51
drbobalish ::: Favorites
What the fuck brought you too make a 8 min movie about this shit, go fuck yourself!
07-09-04 12:01:49
XxxXkayleyXxxX ::: Favorites
chaoticxxfailure she does doesnt she! your so pretty btw xxx
07-08-31 07:17:57
chaoticxxfailure ::: Favorites
I don't know why alot of the people don't like this video... Cause it's one of my favorite videos of yours. But anyways, I just wanted to say that you look kind of like Christina Agulara!! (Dunno if I spelt that right..) That's a compliment, by the way.
07-08-26 17:59:26
flllynfab ::: Favorites
sounds like a typical story of a fat relative ruining a girl's self-esteem because of jealousy
07-08-26 06:12:21
vanity900 ::: Favorites
whats over your lip?
07-08-20 18:48:25
MitraMomtazi ::: Favorites
07-08-20 15:14:58

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