Saturday, October 6, 2007

Re: 10-second Exposure...

Duration: 00:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-14 02:34:31
User: Elrich89
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gluechucker ::: Favorites
If saying it straight out is tough, maybe just a subtle little compliment? Don't just hide it forever, though... regrets ensue.
07-09-16 12:49:40
rlepine ::: Favorites
07-09-16 11:27:27
CherryBottle ::: Favorites
Lucky girl. :)
07-09-15 04:35:51
razellicious ::: Favorites
Your quite welcome.
07-09-15 02:20:14
jada0923 ::: Favorites
go up to her (or him) and tell that u love her, u either get rejected in the face or accepted from the heart, only actions will show
07-09-15 01:19:52
ruroremy ::: Favorites
Does she know now?
07-09-14 22:36:09
Elrich89 ::: Favorites
That's OK! And thank you. :)
07-09-14 19:28:27
razellicious ::: Favorites
lol. I rewatched your video and turned speakers up. I didn't hear the s initially. Sorry about that. Well good luck with her.
07-09-14 19:25:55
megayouandi ::: Favorites
lolz y iz dis a wrodl issoo
07-09-14 18:37:22
Elrich89 ::: Favorites
I changed pronouns?? When?! She's a girl!
07-09-14 12:37:15

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