Sunday, October 7, 2007

Powerlifting WPC/WPO Worlds Saturday Squats 1

Duration: 04:56 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-14 14:20:18
User: undergroundstrength
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Nov 4th WPC WPO World Powerlifting Championships. Some lifts from the DVD of the meet .Go to for the entire DVD.


LOSHOK2 ::: Favorites
Where is squat?
07-09-26 14:42:36
USAPL00 ::: Favorites
LOL! Elnyka, feel ya bro. I put my suit on and I could fly! LOL!
07-09-26 07:04:22
USAPL00 ::: Favorites
I'm all about the USAPL and IPF but even I have to admit that Pro Powerlifting is very exciting. Put on all the gear you want and lift it. What can be more simple to understand. As long as they don't try to lift in the USAPL as Ed Coan tried (and hypocritically failed multiple times for lifting doped against those that tested clean) then I'm all good with it. Much respect.
07-09-26 07:02:40
Lifesucksdie123 ::: Favorites
push charles push
07-09-21 04:26:20
Geldie88 ::: Favorites
Squats separates the man from the boys
07-09-15 18:12:35
elnyka ::: Favorites
Good point. However, if athletes use minimal gear and if all of them use the same, then it still remains a valid test. There is a valid use for gear. Mouth guards and hand wraps for fighters, thick gloves for baseball catchers, even chalk for lifting. They all have their purpose. But you are right, when gear gets abused and when some use better gear than others, then it robs it of some legitimacy.
07-09-06 09:53:33
fjhodges ::: Favorites
no one is arguing that these are not strong people but if p-owerlifting is a battle between athletes to out-lift eachother i dont understand the reliance on gear. surely a true test of strength is man vs man. it seems that all powerlifting is is a battle to raise world records
07-09-06 05:53:53
elnyka ::: Favorites
Of course fjhodges, since any squalid monkey can put on a suit and squat 900lbs+ pounds. In fact, the suit does it all by itself. All a man has to do is put the suit and the pounds go up and down by themselves. Yay!!!
07-09-04 13:23:19
fjhodges ::: Favorites
powerlifting as a sport is a waste of time if there are super suits and half sqautting. the bench press is ugly too. only the deadlift is a true test
07-08-22 08:28:16
diggler2728 ::: Favorites
There need to be two categories on the books, squats, and half squats. Half squatting 1000 pounds is amazing, but it's not fair to call it a full squat...cuz it isn't. difference between a half squat and full squat is like the difference between night and day.
07-08-21 00:11:44

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