Sunday, October 7, 2007

Final Fantasy IX Ending Part 3/4

Duration: 10:58 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-05 15:46:21
User: Ashe10
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Part 3 of The Previous Parts


kingdomofdoom2 ::: Favorites
woah ark's summmon is long... 2min.
07-05-23 08:30:03
1cem4nN ::: Favorites
This boss is easy to me, bacause I used doomsday and everyone were equipped with egoist's armlet which gives max health. it takes about 5 min
07-05-22 10:19:46
Two400 ::: Favorites
Vivi dies :(
07-05-21 23:24:17
bladedge1116 ::: Favorites
ahem how r zidane and kuja related kuja and zidane are angels of death they also have a sister blonde girl in bran bal they were sent for something idk they r somehow related to garland to dont ask me they were sent to earth for something and vivi didnt die in a year bcuz he had a defect that made him at first weaker but im guessing on that but dont guess vivi let him live hes cool and all final fantasys rock cept 4 maybe 12 im sorry i jus cant get use to new battle system
07-05-21 17:38:45
Ashe10 ::: Favorites
From Black Rob
07-05-16 17:53:08
billsk8 ::: Favorites
is vivi's atack "flare" hard to get....where or how ..or is it a weapon
07-05-16 17:32:42
DotOnYourBack ::: Favorites
it would have helped if the whole party had auto deflect
07-05-15 22:44:15
Prinxali ::: Favorites
can sum1 explain 2 me how kuja n zid r related and how vivi is alive wen hes mage black dude whos suppose 2 die in 1 yr and hu is made out of mist?
07-05-11 09:22:25
momo2525252525252 ::: Favorites
Grand Cross is super poonage if ya havn't got like, every single stat ward on. Eve then if ya not lucky it hurts like hell
07-04-28 11:44:44
AdamStrikeFreedom ::: Favorites
Damn memories of this game makes me wanna play it
07-04-24 21:04:41

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