Monday, October 15, 2007

Hostess Potato Chips 1987

Duration: 00:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-16 05:17:45
User: WNED17
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Before the Hostess Munchies turned into Lays...?


sygo7g ::: Favorites
Being clueless, I had to check this out to get an idea of what this brand was... en . wikipedia . org/wiki/Hostess_Potato_Chips Now it makes sense (thought it had something to do with the Hostess of snack cake fame). Interesting to see how they managed to get Lay's sold sooner or later.
07-09-16 14:26:55
CelesteK ::: Favorites
This was probably before your time sygo. These types of freak out ads were very common in the 1980s. When you least expect it and you got the munchies you could be walking on the moon You want to get on back to that Hostess pack popping up real soon Hostess potato chips they've got a fresh crisp taste for you Yum! You want to get on back to that Hostess pack Cause when you've got the munchies nothing else will do Hostess potato chips
07-10-08 19:56:02
sygo7g ::: Favorites
Not really, I'm aware of these type of ads.
07-10-08 20:23:28
sygo7g ::: Favorites
Also of note, I'm about the same age as you, but I'm from the states, so these products would be unfamiliar for me to know about, though I used to watch the CBC that was carried by my lcoal cable company from up in Windsor, ON.
07-10-09 00:39:19

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