Monday, October 15, 2007

9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Part 13: Pentagon Blue Object

Duration: 01:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-24 00:13:14
User: 911NeverForget
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i forgot to cover this. well, im covering it now.


ArbeitMachtFreiUSA ::: Favorites
OBSERVE *how much time* the LYING SHILLS spend "debunking" (they'd like to think) the clear and obvious fact 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB. You will QUICKLY REALIZE that THE 9/11 COVERUP IS IN PROGRESS when there is SO MUCH EFFORT and so much of it is OUTRIGHT LIES AND DISINFORMATION it looks like Karl Rove stays pretty busy managing his band of right-wing flying monkeys for Bush. Could be part of why he left the White House, to devote more time to reinforcing the coverup.
07-10-07 00:08:50
911NeverForget ::: Favorites
another LiarExposer account...
07-10-07 00:23:46
macdowell423 ::: Favorites
Please watch Pk_Yybbn_5I on youtube. Very important eyewitness testimony at the bomb site.
07-10-01 01:22:13
xaninha123 ::: Favorites
and that is what? all your funny little vids dont make sense at all. i actually never heard of that blue object, because its totally not important to the real issues. planes dont vaporize when they crash. period. one of the many videos they confiscated would put an end to all this, hence they refuse to release anything more than nothing actually. there is nothing more to say. keep dreaming till the big bang comes or not , i dont care. i actually assume your somewhat "paid" for this.
07-09-25 01:55:01
911NeverForget ::: Favorites
well, im not the only one who talks about it. if you CTists had common sense, it could be because there is NOTHING else to release. its not when they CRASH, its when the FIRES take effect. guess what? thats the first thing to come into a CTist's mind: i debunk your claims = i MUST be a shill. sickening...
07-09-25 14:08:44
Esnir ::: Favorites
"i actually never heard of that blue object, because its totally not important to the real issues." this theory comes from loose change, in that video the narrator wonders what they are carrying away, implying that it might be the missile that hit the pentagon.
07-09-26 15:52:01
Esnir ::: Favorites
"planes dont vaporize when they crash. period." 1 - The plane didn't vaporize 2 - there have been crashes in the past leaving nothing bigger than a spoon. 3 - watch this video to see how a plane does get vaporized when crashing into a concrete wall: watch?v=4q35xHzjxB0
07-09-26 15:53:50
Esnir ::: Favorites
"one of the many videos they confiscated would put an end to all this" No it won't. Look at how much footage we have on the twin tower hits, and look at all the 'no plane' theories surrounding that one, from tv fakery to military drones. CT'ers will just make up anything to dismiss the evidence that they don't like.
07-09-26 15:56:08
Esnir ::: Favorites
"i actually assume your somewhat "paid" for this. " I love those type of comments. Those 'truthers' are so convinced of them being right about everything, that they believe everyone who states the opposite is payed by some evil entity to do so.
07-09-26 15:57:35
WashDCDemocrat ::: Favorites
Don't be a dick.
07-09-24 17:49:33

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