Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Brief History of "Nigga"

Duration: 06:50 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-29 21:37:24
User: purrtender3
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This is just an outline for a real documentary I'm thinking of putting together on the social history of the word "nigga"


mo98183 ::: Favorites
Its a shame that the word many had died for, tortured and persecuted for is now a term of class. Sad, I guess anyone who is willing to research a little will change their ways, that goes for the rappers as well.
07-09-29 19:27:59
beerslurpy ::: Favorites
Words evolve. In the past 10 years, blacks have started saying "nigger" to refer to blacks who behave like the old racist stereotype. Blame Chris Rock if it makes you feel better. But to be honest, the only people using the word anymore are black. White people don't care about blacks enough to hate them. So who's keeping you down? Look in the mirror.
07-09-29 15:27:47
MJamal15 ::: Favorites
I applaud you purrtender3 for your truthfull film
07-09-16 16:28:36
hustlaus ::: Favorites
You're absolutely right. I often question blacks who vote for and join the republican party. I'm independent because I'm tired of these dumbos and jacksasses who call themselves running our country.
07-09-11 22:37:05
Falayshia ::: Favorites
From what I hear she was shopping for prada and faragamo shoes. I guess African American people going through such a catastrophy takes a backseat to expensive European made shoes for Condo Rice.
07-09-11 08:08:44
hustlaus ::: Favorites
Falayshia, I from New Orleans and a victim of Katrina. It was popular for some people to blame Ray Nagin but he has very little power compared to a governor and president. Oh yeah, did you hear about what Condolezza Rice was doing for the duration of Katrina?
07-09-10 21:52:54
hustlaus ::: Favorites
Racism (which is a form of slavery if you're a minority) still exists in America. Have you heard about Genarlow Wilson, The Jena 6, The 4 white police who beat the shit out of a 65 year old retired school teacher in the French Quarters for buying cigarettes?
07-09-10 21:47:08
flakyjon ::: Favorites
I am proud of white people. My people are the majority in many countries where people of all races and religions have opportunities to succeed and have freedom. Slavery still exists and is widespread in Africa, but not in "white" majority countries such as america, canada, france, australia, etc.
07-09-10 19:31:41
Falayshia ::: Favorites
upchuck1 why are you so proud about killing another human being?
07-09-10 15:35:12
Falayshia ::: Favorites
Hustlaus the situation in New Orleans has been set up strategically with the knowledge that these levies were not safe and when everything hit the fan who better to blame but the African American mayor who was put in office just for that reason. You know the old let the niggers take care of themselves type of mentality. Sad isn't it!
07-09-10 15:33:35

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