Saturday, September 29, 2007

We Got The Party (with us) ft. Jonas Brothers (full song!!!)

Duration: 04:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-21 02:38:10
User: grrmeowrawrr
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YES ITS THE ACTUAL FULL SONG! please DO NOT message me for it. im tired of replying, so please don't ask where i got the song from. thanks. you're going to have to wait till the jonas brothers special edition CD to get this song in really HQ. according to tommy2[dot]net, the CD comes out october 30... so wait for it. don't believe me? go to tommy2[dot]net, that site has the info on the special edition CD. its the radio rip from radio disney.


jonasbrotherscrazy ::: Favorites
thank you
07-09-28 14:54:39
grrmeowrawrr ::: Favorites
its alright. as long as you have a reason, thats fine.
07-09-27 23:25:51
bandgeek1395 ::: Favorites
I love it!!
07-09-27 18:29:42
jonasbrotherscrazy ::: Favorites
ohh guess what i dont care she is just really fake i dont like her i really dont hate her cause i dont know her but i think she isn't very talented and fake but that is my opinoin u can think whatever u want about her or me i dont really care but i might also be jealous of her because she is famous and im an aspiring actress and she is best friends with nick j who i love but im getting off topic im sorry if i offened any of u miley fans but i dont like her.
07-09-27 17:18:13
grrmeowrawrr ::: Favorites
ummm... i get pissed off at miley haters.
07-09-27 01:14:56
bandgeek1395 ::: Favorites
I love this song!!
07-09-26 20:31:19
jonasbrotherscrazy ::: Favorites
luv tjis song but it would be better without hannah montana she is so lame hate her I LOVE YOU NICK!!!
07-09-26 17:43:19
JBrockmysox851 ::: Favorites
this song rocks but eww god get rid of hannah montana
07-09-26 08:15:04
Dancer10xoxo ::: Favorites
great work fantastic i love it
07-09-25 15:40:07
Chingirl94 ::: Favorites
07-09-24 15:44:43

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