Saturday, September 29, 2007


Duration: 06:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-19 03:41:08
User: hkmyradio
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回歸十周年前夕,傳媒刻意要為香港歌舞昇平。 但毓民在 My Radio 說出香港現今的困境︰不但官商勾結,政治分贓及沉租活動更愈趨嚴重!基層市民得不到援助,仍要生活在水深火熱之中! 毓民因此在 My Radio ,旗幟鮮明地要『唱衰香港』!


popking ::: Favorites
一隻發窮惡嘅無能老狗。。無市埸、無事業、無錢、無地位。what a hopeless looser
07-08-13 02:36:52
starstarca ::: Favorites
毓民 ...haha...your speech is more like a-bien...!蘇賡哲is a stupid old guy..who only know anti-communist,one of taiwan a-bien's fans!
07-08-11 06:25:49
starstarca ::: Favorites
毓民...I still remember you hit someone in the hunghom harbour tunnel in year 90s...because the guy get pass your big brother's 咁激動喔, stop the guy's car and hit are so great!
07-08-11 06:22:54
ahlan3g ::: Favorites
so you are popular in Canada, Taiwan and elsewhere. But are you popular in HONG KONG ?
07-07-10 10:16:23
ivanjohn77 ::: Favorites
毓民 ! 我絕對認同....
07-07-09 02:56:44
fengxie07 ::: Favorites
其實最垃圾既係你自己, 哈哈! 傻仔
07-07-04 14:38:38
evergreen2 ::: Favorites
hk will always support yuk man
07-07-03 03:39:11
spade99dee ::: Favorites
pls invite 蘇賡哲 as a guest
07-06-27 13:31:56
lobonoxxxx ::: Favorites
07-06-26 04:55:37
mskaren987 ::: Favorites
講得好, 呢啲係人講的野
07-06-25 01:19:46

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