Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tsar bomba

Duration: 01:12 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-03 08:56:59
User: broubies
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A new tsar bomba footage


ogdocvato ::: Favorites
To carefuleugene12, "you don't know the power of the dark side"!
07-09-24 11:49:43
carefuleugene12 ::: Favorites
ur blinded
07-09-23 01:14:12
ogdocvato ::: Favorites
What if the USAF sends a B-2 over Tehran and lays an Mk-24 (2.0 megatons) on those fools. Would they undergo an attitude adjustment?
07-09-22 01:46:16
TheZeLL ::: Favorites
If you see the flash, it`s already too late
07-09-21 03:06:17
staphinfection ::: Favorites
And then the radioactive cloud drifted around the world eighteen times giving everyone cancer and causing numerous birth defects. Hurray for nuclear weapons!
07-09-20 20:24:28
noyzone01 ::: Favorites
I would think if we, as humans, went any further with trying to break such records then the world itself might start breaking apart. Think about it, this one was scaled down to half of what they wanted to test (50,000,000 tons TNT) and it exceeded their expectations by a good chunk. I think that if theres any good place to test, test it on meteors crossing the path of earth or something like that.
07-09-20 16:05:26
ogdocvato ::: Favorites
"Tactical" refers to the means of attacking and destroying the ememy's armed forces. "Strategic" refers to the destrucion of the society which enables the enemy to field armed forces. Read "Principles of War" by Carl von Clausewitz.
07-09-19 15:24:14
panefuldeath ::: Favorites
barbaric yes. primitive not so much its the most effective way people have of killing each other.
07-09-18 23:29:27
heythereimbaked ::: Favorites
nuclear weapons are actually really primitive and barbaric they just wreck the planet
07-09-18 14:30:12
sacba ::: Favorites
whats the point of all this..shit for real..this is all childish...this is what a kid would do "look at my new toy..hahaha mine is better" and then the other kid come with a better one the next day "haha look at mine now"
07-09-14 23:19:49

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