Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Open Message to Ron Paul Supporters aka Paulites

Duration: 09:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-10 19:37:18
User: Ebacherville
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Open Message to Ron Paul Supporters, The Ron Paul revolution and grassroots supporters Here is the conversion section only: http://youtube.com/watch?v=xc88OMFaU_k


PatricHenry ::: Favorites
What will you do with out freedom? Will you campaign? Campaign against that? No we will ignore and we will live on our knees. Aee ignore and you will live on your knees for at least a while... and dying in your beds many years from now.. would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, JUST ONE CHANCE, to come back here and tell the trators that they can take our government but they will never take our freedom!!!!!!
07-09-23 22:24:33
PatricHenry ::: Favorites
The revolution will not be televised, it will be on the internet and going door to door my fellow patriots. To arms To arms the time is NOW!! Never Surender!! Win Ron Win!!
07-09-23 21:54:18
slimjim006 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul or die.......
07-09-22 06:21:59
benjie2g ::: Favorites
Yo E..! I'm with you i got my bumper stickers on my car and mail box and ron paul pamphlets and the tshirt with the arm band so anyone has a question anywhere i have something to get them thinking
07-09-21 04:10:07
Budvb ::: Favorites
I loved the End Message on this! So True & so From History!
07-09-20 04:52:40
Budvb ::: Favorites
People Came to America to Get Away from Oppresive Government. They Fought for their Freedoms. They did this for their future. They preserved these Rights in the Constitution. People were Finally Free!
07-09-20 04:51:56
nullvalu ::: Favorites
Nice van dude! Makes me feel bad I only have 2 bumper stickers on my car.. :)
07-09-19 10:43:00
sanarkhos ::: Favorites
Well ahead of you bro tinyurl(.)com/38xc52
07-09-19 02:58:03
BigCat78 ::: Favorites
He's too pretty not to show it. Like when Conan gets super close to the camera. Good video. Everyone needs to keep moving forward.
07-09-18 19:18:21
ctb619 ::: Favorites
zoom in closer to your face next time
07-09-18 18:53:15

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