Sunday, September 16, 2007

Reubenkee's Orochi Iori..A What If Video

Duration: 04:16 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-09 05:44:55
User: bloodriotiori
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READ THIS!! I can't post comments on youtube right now, so don't worry, i'm not ignoring you guys, i just can't post! Ever wonder why Reubenkee never made an Orochi Iori? I think this video will answer why... This is me playing (very softly i might add, this isn't even close to what this guy can do)...

Ohsky1 ::: Favorites
i made a video of him against aragon and he win, go see it.
07-09-01 06:42:09
goodHellian ::: Favorites
You might want to credit the real creator of the Orochui Iori: The creator is NeoType
07-04-14 16:28:35
chewhwakian ::: Favorites
Heh orachi iori got teleport??? Lol! I use ksunagi can win him lor
07-03-10 02:35:48
bloodriotiori ::: Favorites
hehe seems like it doesn't it :) I really don't know if i should start making serious matches with him, because he's soooo freaking broken!
07-02-10 06:25:37
134Alex134 ::: Favorites
That Iori is invisible!
07-02-09 20:49:57
bloodriotiori ::: Favorites
Ok Priest, i'll make another video soon enough, just to show what he's really capable of. At least in testing he was alot more brutal, so i'm sure i can make Ryu's life even more hellish lol.
07-02-09 19:08:53
bloodriotiori ::: Favorites
Yes that was normal gamespeed heh. Ya he's not too hard to fight when the computer uses him, but he's INSANE when you can control him. Go comment on infantry guys!!
07-02-09 17:52:26
bloodriotiori ::: Favorites
lol i'm gonna remove the lifebar comment, not relavent to the video ;) I had some trouble with those lifebars as well, but it just took some simple word manipulation to make them work :) zedzdead told me i inspired him to make some changes, so be on the lookout for a new release!! i THINK it's the Orochi Iori by NeoType, at least that's what i was told. I wanna start playing as him but i'd feel too cheap lol.
07-02-09 17:52:16
Priest006 ::: Favorites
You said this is not even close to what he can really do. You gotta show what he could really do.
07-02-09 17:35:00
SaintNiggalin ::: Favorites
That Orochi Iori was crazy!!! If he had some tough A.I. I would make it out barely alive.
07-02-09 17:12:32

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