Sunday, September 16, 2007


Duration: 02:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-09 21:48:13
User: BriansFriendTerry
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"How many sides does a triangle have?" "Damn...four?" Do they have schools in the states?

BriansFriendTerry ::: Favorites
We're still paying back the millions you lent us 65 years ago...until you've got it all back (with interest) we will keep on a-nibbling :p
07-09-10 04:59:27
bbchick ::: Favorites
Australian* possibly, but we bailed Australia out of the Pacific Theater too.
07-09-08 21:12:28
bbchick ::: Favorites
I like how the British sit around and mock this country even though we bailed them out of WW2. They like to bite the hand that feeds them.
07-09-08 21:11:24
billdapony ::: Favorites
Okay, I hate stupid people as much as anyone else, but if anyone here thinks that every single answer this reporter got was like the ones shown...has to be pretty damn stupid themselves. Funny, nevertheless.
07-09-07 16:26:29
MuffinMan118 ::: Favorites
Buddhist monks, buddhist monks.... ISLAMIC! Dingdingdingding, our survey says..... NO DIPSHIT
07-09-07 11:47:35
Mattteus ::: Favorites
two reasons. 1. One usually assumes that when asked to name a country that it means a FOREIGN country. 2. Nobody in the US called their country The United States of America. That's like answering 'Republic of France' when asked to name a country starting with the letter R.
07-08-28 15:01:45
mbarbram ::: Favorites
To be fair, it should have been arranged so as they asked, say 20 people, and show footage of entire twenty interviews with these people in a row. Do not leave out correct answers. As someone else mentioned, every country has its ignorant people.
07-08-27 20:45:54
shunaffles ::: Favorites
wow. just wow.
07-08-27 19:56:34
burry ::: Favorites
dumb shyte americans
07-08-27 19:37:52
Procrastinater09 ::: Favorites
I hope Canada doesn't become this stupid. Cuz we're not much better when it comes to obesity.
07-08-27 18:21:35

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