Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Night of Storytelling LIVE at The Soap Box

Duration: 05:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-23 13:35:35
User: MicheleMidnight
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Michele and the Midnight Blues 1st Storytelling show from 2004.


bluesking1 ::: Favorites
The reason I did not like the video not based on blues patteren specifics??? Blues comes in so many shapes sizes and forms that that very phrase indicates a lack of understanding of the music itself. You guys made my point.
07-04-19 20:49:56
MicheleMidnight ::: Favorites
your point was calling it rock, bad 70's rock to be specific. yes, blues comes in many forms and this is one of them. that you actually think the above chat between me and that guy from Texas made your point is as weak a move as straw man tactics. you said you thought my voice was shreiking and my original tune not original enough in email.i have no clue why you came back. sadist perhaps! i may have to write a tune about you...bluesking
07-04-21 22:58:26
TexasBluesGuy ::: Favorites
This is not on the 1 & the 3, it is on the 2 & the 4 tempo and there by cannot be considered rock, but blues. What is this guy talking about?
07-04-13 13:45:07
MicheleMidnight ::: Favorites
hey...he does not like it and that is cool...but agreed...he may not know about the blues pattern specifics...
07-04-13 13:52:26
bluesking1 ::: Favorites
This is Blues? Where are these guys from? File under bad 70's rock .
07-04-04 15:06:48

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