Saturday, September 22, 2007

CoD2 Leningrad Jump Movie

Duration: 05:35 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-06 12:58:35
User: killz0ne88
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A movie of me doing the main run in Leningrad!


dejffjed ::: Favorites
simply amazing...
07-09-04 11:18:28
ICubanoI ::: Favorites
Yeah, he's got 20fps cuz he's running fraps over his /record lol...
07-06-25 14:55:08
ICcold ::: Favorites
No, he isn't i always hated you...i still do...why do you have to jump better than me?
07-06-19 02:16:52
firebolt7 ::: Favorites
zomg your like spiderman...rofl nice job man :D
07-05-25 22:19:29
bobwilkie ::: Favorites
omfg 20fps?
07-05-23 15:29:45
mkz135 ::: Favorites
are u the killzone that plays on snippy's zombie cage?
07-05-22 22:33:52
Marzass ::: Favorites
nice video
07-05-22 11:39:24
mkz135 ::: Favorites
what server is this on
07-05-21 19:09:08
Kobe4mvplmfao ::: Favorites
Cyanide stfu, this guy is fucking pro at jumping and most jumpers shoot randomly like that... for some reason or another. >:U
07-05-07 21:00:28
cyanide091 ::: Favorites
YOU SUCK :P maybe if u shot as much as u jumped, u wudnt be such a FUCKING NOOB :P ferno > killz
07-05-05 07:23:17

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