Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Me all wet

Duration: 03:43 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-23 20:46:24
User: Funkydentface
:::: Favorites

I walked home in the rain.

rhiannonheart ::: Favorites
WOOP WOOP Kelsey, that's FRICKIN hilarious! In case you don't recognize who this is..it's Rhiannon =) Remember Tim from Dominoes? Oh honestly HOW COULD WE FORGET =D Anyways, hilarious vid, I'll keep an eye out for more, & subscribe =) Seeya next week (school starts!)
07-08-27 07:54:58
AmyJo1186 ::: Favorites
kelsey its been far too friggin long! and we need to know about the friggin squirrel incident! you cant friggin leave it like that! its friggin killing us! your true friggin fans ( no kidding either!) all our jersey (as in uk not usa jersey!)love! xx ps your a comic genius!
07-07-11 07:26:42
thecandymunchers ::: Favorites
07-06-18 14:02:20
smilemij123 ::: Favorites
hey kelsey! we're from Jersey (not New Jersey - its an island near England and France) and love you! we just subscribed to youtube just so we could tell u YOU ROCK! we also wana know wat song you're singin at the end of that song?? oh and squirrel incident?! x x
07-05-24 13:42:45
chrisvscrispychicken ::: Favorites
Are you like on drugs or som'n? it's hilarious haha ha!
07-03-12 19:06:02
dancer213 ::: Favorites
funny funny Kelsey rock on
07-03-07 23:30:18
gruntygrunt ::: Favorites
This girl is only what 14,15? and yet she has a keen wit and an original delivery with looks that would knock a mailman dead at 50 paces.Check out her satire on celebrity culture.First reviewer,get back in your cage.
07-02-19 19:34:26
Jadey061990 ::: Favorites
LMFAO! It actually made me laugh when you said "and then getting friggin pooped on by a bird!" ahah more like that. =]
07-02-18 17:44:00
trendyash ::: Favorites
omg what a retard?!?!
07-02-11 11:57:30
Imakitty41 ::: Favorites
wtf lol your crazy!
07-02-07 23:31:32
gypsymamii ::: Favorites
u are retarted go get a life
07-02-04 16:48:13
rhiannonheart ::: Favorites
Hey, watch it, Kelsey is a comic genius, I love her =)And uhmm shes not retarded and she has a life with good friends? So why don't you go get yourself a life? Cuz Kelsey's awesome !
07-08-27 07:52:47
TheNewMatt2006 ::: Favorites
Like being wet?
07-02-04 03:46:20
spend866 ::: Favorites
thats sick
07-02-18 21:49:14
rlee0001 ::: Favorites
Oh come on, 90% of her subscribers are pedophiles, what do you expect?
07-02-23 09:09:51
maya1986 ::: Favorites
07-01-31 03:35:21
patosama ::: Favorites
emmm me asustas... no se si reirme o si internarte en un hospital psiquiatrico :)
07-01-18 11:15:54
xoxbeccabooxox0111 ::: Favorites
lmao i love you videos, ur well funny :D xxx
07-01-16 10:31:16
Lolitta1girlie1girl ::: Favorites
Dud I think there's something wrong with your hair. Seriously... hair doesn't just spring up like that!!!
07-01-15 13:19:06
LeiaRose ::: Favorites
dude I love this chick. She's soooooo funny. LOL!
07-01-15 04:51:14

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