Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The end and DEAD! piano cover by my chemical romance

Duration: 05:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-15 01:07:07
User: sharingannosasuke
:::: Favorites

this is the end and DEAD! played on the piano. this song is made by the band my chemical romance. well well well.. as you can see, i'm not in my regular black shirt and red tie, but instead in a patient's gown.. yeah, some of you guys have heard that i got surgery recently..chaa.. so i tried to make this as real as possible (not really)chaaa... you can tell that i had a key chain that i recorded the ekg(the beeping) in the beginning right? jeez.. and the IV crap (the hanging bag thing) sucks.. a lot.. they attach it to a vein in your arm.. and it hella feels akward playing with it.. so sorry for the mistakes.. oh and did i tell you it's my birthday?? what i wouldn't want more than my crush to like me.. sigh... ah well... this is dedicated to stargirl666 and her bf! she recognized me at fanimecon as sharingannosasuke!! really! and so.. well... i kind of envy their relationship.. sigh.. i really wish i had one.. but alas, such as i, a geek, a nerd, an outcast, sent to play for those that i wish would hear, but turn deaf when i perform.. (wow... don't mind me) so i have a favor to ask all of you guys.. please please please tell my chemical romance about me! through email, friendster, myspace, youtube, whatever just please? tis would make a nice bday present? lol.. oh and please check out this project.. http://www.mylivingromance.urli.net/ oh if you hear a snapping sound 4:15 ish.. that's my sis..

xskylines ::: Favorites
I'll be in a band with you :D we can be a flute and piano rock duet. :|
07-08-27 17:29:34
xskylines ::: Favorites
I really love watching your videos. :) Keep up the good work!
07-08-27 17:26:38
leeshastrench ::: Favorites
aw, lol. I'll be in a band with you. I don't think it will sound right with just drums and piano but your amazing you'll figure it out. lol.
07-08-27 02:33:14
InfxnInfxn ::: Favorites
Btw, I just wanted to applaud you for dressing as The Patient. Nice touch.
07-08-25 18:37:18
mattyismad2007 ::: Favorites
ouch !
07-08-25 06:01:08
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
thanks so much! thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:26:34
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:26:18
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:26:15
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:26:12
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:26:08
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
yeah.. couldn't have done that on my piano though.. thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:25:39
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:25:07
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:25:03
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
dudette! no you wouldn't! trust me.. thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:24:57
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
you play flute?? cool! so do i! well not really.. i got this bamboo flute from the philippines that could only play 1 octave.. thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:23:51
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:22:34
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:21:58
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
oh ahha.. cardiovascular chromatosis, but it turned out to be cardiac carcinoma, which induced and escalated to give me a cardiac infarction.. but i'm okay now.. lol.. did you believe that? it was only wisdom teeth.. thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:21:55
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
lol.. i'd do that too.. thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:19:35
sharingannosasuke ::: Favorites
thanks for watching ^_^
07-08-24 23:19:21

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