Thursday, August 2, 2007

How to Pick Up Chicks

Duration: 203 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-20 19:14:38
User: younghollywood
:::: Favorites

If you've read the best-selling book "The Game," then you know how they play it, but listen in as we sit down with the guys and learn their secrets to scoring women.

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AquaFight ::: Favorites
fuck, 2000 days, never thought about that.
07-07-31 13:29:46
thanatoso2 ::: Favorites
umm, i guess that was an insult... god i hope you dont talk like that in real life, otherwise you would sount like an illiterate asshole... I love how you, a fucking nobody, like to write off and cut down something that is so obviously above your intellectual level ;)
07-07-31 13:49:49
thanatoso2 ::: Favorites
umm... congrats on the terrible rant, i think it fell on deaf ears though. hey, I got an idea! why dont you try and wing for one of these guys, because you will get nowhere as an AMOG... just another average frustrated chump, I almost feel bad for you... but your ignorance is your own fault
07-07-31 13:53:45
thanatoso2 ::: Favorites
amen! and the nice thig is, i dont think its gonna change much, even after Mystery's show debuts
07-07-31 13:58:13
thanatoso2 ::: Favorites
why would you say something like that? are you fantasizing? --ps.. its because of dipshits like you that he is able to steal ur girl " oh he is gay, no problem, he doesnt like women" next thing you know, you are going home alone and he is fucking the brains out of your woman
07-07-31 14:01:28
pacernole ::: Favorites
ha douche bags
07-07-31 15:20:43
fumetti ::: Favorites
Stay in your dipshit part of the universe, where smoking stud sausage is YOUR way of life.
07-07-31 21:57:00
jsssi ::: Favorites
Yes and now they are getting laid and making woman satisfied and enjoy their lives
07-07-31 22:32:41
jsssi ::: Favorites
Search for "Mehow in-field" and see for yourself how these women will tell him to fuck off :)
07-07-31 22:41:36
Timvanoirbeek ::: Favorites
Besides, this will even be sadder if people actually follow their advice. But yeh, most people seem to value "scoring" much more than individuality.
07-08-01 10:19:00

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