Thursday, August 2, 2007

Another Beryl 0.1.3 Video

Duration: 84 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-25 17:08:10
User: admiralcascade
:::: Favorites

Magic Fire, Transparency, Wobbly Windows, 3D Cube, Transparent Cube, Skydome, 3D Windows and stuff like it... All the stuff that Windows could do on a supercomputer but this time free and for every (aprox 2years old 3D) graphiccard :D There is a lot more than eyecandy you can do using linux, after a while you will get the clue behind opensource and stuff but this is what you need do persuade some people so they know linux is far more than a server-OS. Linux is ready for you Desktop! Due to comments a short Machine outline: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200 GeForce 7900GT 256MB 2GB DDR-Dual-Channel RAM 250GB SATA HDD 1680x1050 32bit Operating system is Ubuntu Edgy Eft, Window Manager is Beryl 0.1.3 and NVIDIA beta driver as current in Dec 2006. System usage during work using beryl and the effects shown: aprox 10-15% The rest is used by the video recording process... Only got 8fps because capturing 1680x1050 images is not that easy I guess :( !!!: Of course this is mostly Eyecandy, I agree. :!!! And the wobbly windows make me sick ever 10-20min of using them, but it is still nice to show friends what you CAN do with Linux, and not must do. My brother is using beryl on a cheap ATI Readeon he bought for 11€ at eBay in summer 2006, works nearly as perfect besides he is using 1024x768... But Beryl is not that useless, the transparent desktop helps you to find the Windows you lost *g* I normally switch to Beryl when stuck in work or whatever to make up my mind a bit while watching those nice effects... And I find it more usefull than aeroglass, imho. Tried Vista on a friend's laptop without getting exited, just boored. I will stick to XP for games and use Linux for the rest! (I admit that shamely, not all games will work in linux, but gaming is not everything!) Die Vista, die! :D And for the Apple-People: Linux is still free... (I mean: You do not have to pay money!) So there is a difference between paid development and free development... And for those who know nothing about the Linux stuff: 1) Get Ubuntu + install it: 2) Install Beryl (and you graphic drivers): 3) Enjoy freaking power of opensource. Not only those fancy 3D stuff...

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helgesdk ::: Favorites
"Useless" or not, Beryl is much more customizable and... with the correct styles, colors and settings (this will take some hours)... makes Vista look like crap compared to it (yes, I'm serious!). Eye-candy is cool, it attracts people - it sells. Everything that sells is great for Linux. If people start using Linux, companies will start porting better drivers for Linux. Linux has long been in a "bad circle" when it comes to compatibility, but times are rapidly changing these days.
07-06-24 20:07:31
athiwatc ::: Favorites
Ha linux OS with beryl Kill vista out!!!
07-06-27 09:28:44
7zipzapper ::: Favorites
This video shows off the greatest feature Linux and Beryl. Not so much the fancy stuff, but the resource handling that no other OS w/desktop accelleration can run at the same time! Many windows, videos, applications with the CPU doing it's job, while GPU handles all the rendering duties. Beryl with Linux Rocks on any distro!
07-07-01 03:22:28
s3rrated ::: Favorites
I sense an envious Windows user.
07-07-10 16:18:48
Thrashaero ::: Favorites
within temptation is gay
07-07-13 00:10:26
Harotoast ::: Favorites
07-07-16 21:58:50
overmind2 ::: Favorites
Oh right I have a job writing linux code for many companies, and BTW shut up Microshit fanboy
07-07-21 15:40:51
alexseal20 ::: Favorites
That was ok... lol, it was sick!!! :D
07-07-27 23:06:26
paxco2003 ::: Favorites
pana deseo bajar ese video como aria eso
07-07-29 16:06:39
ufopsi ::: Favorites
Geez, I'm impressed! Really cool.
07-07-31 14:57:53

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