Monday, August 27, 2007

homer´s funniest scnes in all his history

Duration: 10:23 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-14 08:03:16
User: sancheski23
:::: Favorites

this there are the best scenes of homer simpson

360killa ::: Favorites
its old lady simpson LMFAO
07-08-24 19:00:28
PinkZombieStudios ::: Favorites
this is a simple lie detector. you will answer yes or no truthfully. do you understand? Yes. KABOOM!!!!!!!! X-D
07-08-17 02:04:22
Xweetok93 ::: Favorites
Marge... can we trade?? I don't trust these guys... XD
07-08-16 17:06:28
romero90 ::: Favorites
the lie detector test makes me piss my pants. and the STUPID LISA!! is just genius.
07-08-15 17:03:41
lemaire90 ::: Favorites
must use french ! le grill what the hell is that !?!? LMAOLMAOLMAO !!!
07-08-14 22:28:42
Aykay187 ::: Favorites
07-08-13 20:42:07
thebacklasher ::: Favorites
AWESOME vid especially about the pregnant part lmao1
07-08-13 13:14:34
Ebonyx ::: Favorites
rofl "Will you take me to Mount Splashmore?" No. "Will you take me to Mount Splashmore?" No. "Will you take me to Mount Splashmore?" NO! "Will you take me to Mount Splashmore?" NO! "Will you take me to Mount Splashmore?" NO!!! "Marge is pregnant? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" lmfao this guy is hilarious
07-08-13 12:14:04
lildancinbaby527 ::: Favorites
"spider poison is PEOPLE poison!?" LMAO!!! "Le Grille?!? what the hell is that?!" ROTFLMAO! "There are EIGHT calls in front of you." I CAN'T TAKE IT!! XD
07-08-11 23:50:17
mrbowness17 ::: Favorites
you for got one great one from $pringfield were mr burns builds the casino and marge gets hocked and then lisa goes into homers room and tells him she had a night mare and it was about the boggy man and then he flips
07-08-11 03:24:58
Samsung03 ::: Favorites
lmao can't stop laughing, especially the lie detector
07-08-09 22:37:32
familyguy91045 ::: Favorites
haha lousy farmers, TO START PRESS ANY KEY, hmm wheres the any key, thats esc, katarl hmmm whoo this work is maikin me thirsty i think ill order a tab, haha i love the lie detector thing, GENIUS
07-08-21 07:25:27
Chyber2095 ::: Favorites
ahahah i rolfed so hard
07-08-09 21:59:47
slyfertail ::: Favorites
My bad...
07-08-09 16:47:41
killzoneiscoolerdave ::: Favorites
ill put YOU on hold!!!! rofl!! fkn classic!
07-08-09 07:09:31
SandNproductions ::: Favorites
indiana jones scene=best ever lol
07-08-08 11:48:34
sonicnblaze33 ::: Favorites
lmao le gril looooooooooooooooooooooooooolllll
07-08-08 09:35:48
Bmxrockz654 ::: Favorites
Uhh, this is anime? lol.
07-08-08 06:41:07
jaha8jaha8jaha8 ::: Favorites
Homer is the smartest dude in the anime history ^^
07-08-08 01:51:10
motohello07 ::: Favorites
funniest bit 7:28 to 8:37
07-08-07 12:41:07

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