Monday, August 27, 2007

Gorillaz Rock It

Duration: 04:23 minutes
Upload Time: 06-03-01 16:45:28
User: gorillaz789
:::: Favorites

The Gorillaz are walking around near Kong Studios, they seem to be going somewhere. They are menaced by floating heads of celebrities with false eyes and creepy growing tree branches. Murdoc's Pazuzu statue joins in the singing of the chorus.

Thevideopyramidhead1 ::: Favorites
Ohhh! Noodle says F*** You!!! LOL
07-08-27 00:31:27
J054H177 ::: Favorites
did they bring this out? cz i gt both albums & it aint on either of em! anyway creepy bt kwl!
07-08-26 17:24:04
MasterAndreRaven ::: Favorites
The background music at the beginning is the same as the theme music to Day of the Dead...
07-08-26 22:14:40
WheelChairCollision ::: Favorites
07-08-26 14:57:36
pocky1270 ::: Favorites
yup looks like "Fuck You" to me. most likely
07-08-26 12:01:18
jsramer ::: Favorites
07-08-26 13:29:14
pocky1270 ::: Favorites
ha wow almost evrything ive said sum1 else has askd... i feel sho unorigional
07-08-26 11:54:53
pocky1270 ::: Favorites
this is awl sort of a tribute to 2D's luv of zombie movies i think... and the begining of the song sounds like ey mocaraina *pllz fr give my spelling.. *
07-08-26 11:50:24
pocky1270 ::: Favorites
wot do u think noodle is saying at the vry end? wen 2D is carrying her she mouths sumfing.... i wondr wat...
07-08-26 11:48:09
Puricy ::: Favorites
Rocket or rock t*t's?
07-08-26 04:40:15
aitrusf500 ::: Favorites
Great clip. This website is pretty good for nekkid cam girls - <B> _SUNNYFAIRY.COM_ </B> -aitrusf500
07-08-25 20:03:18
2justsomeguy1 ::: Favorites
this was really wierd when i watched it baked
07-08-25 04:39:54
pataphysician66 ::: Favorites
2-D needs to see a dentist..but of course that adds to his charm!
07-08-24 19:07:12
DarLord324 ::: Favorites
Don't you sit to close, or I'll bla bla bla bla bla lol XD I didn't mean to do it It loved me in my head omg she gave him head? I'm drinking too much bla bla, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla comment for that
07-08-24 15:03:43
ChillyKitten ::: Favorites
Shows better at 4:05. Either says 'I <3 PUNY' or 'I <3 DUNY'. Prolly a parody patch of 'I <3 NY'.
07-08-24 13:58:17
azur35700 ::: Favorites
07-08-24 11:14:04
madziksaw ::: Favorites
o_O Pretty cool!!
07-08-24 10:20:50
xxGingerminger ::: Favorites
I says 'I love Roky' I fink!
07-08-24 08:48:47
azur35700 ::: Favorites
HANNNNN i love this song. Blablabla.... <3
07-08-24 06:52:07
LateKnight1992 ::: Favorites
i am shit lol
07-08-23 13:32:52

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