Monday, August 20, 2007

The Eternal Jew Pt. 1

Duration: 10:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-05 12:54:27
User: Logitech67
:::: Favorites

Nazi propoganda film, describing the nature of the Jewish ghetto. Part 1.

ykayfields ::: Favorites
they are also enemies to USA. they have said as much themselves. while i feel sorry for the palis, i also don't want innocent israelis murdered either. all people are people, equal in G-d's eyes and worthy of love and protection
07-08-12 10:07:07
Logitech67 ::: Favorites
It's the Israelis doing the bulk of the murdering.
07-08-13 00:02:21
Jewf4c3 ::: Favorites
Thank you for posting the truth about my people. Also, Any other J-ws here wanna trade some stuff? As, I'm not allowed to practice usury on other J-ws.
07-08-15 14:25:46
Ramlh ::: Favorites
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck all Zions and jews
07-08-16 06:51:21
merzblau ::: Favorites
hello all. every now and then i post a response. not to disabuse any one . i think that if we can talk shout yell, and have opinions that is still very good. i am always amused that those who claim to be fascists use a forum that is designed to permit voice rather than stop it yours dominic
07-08-17 09:12:37
Logitech67 ::: Favorites
It is the Communist Jews that are hell bent on controlling all free speech. It is they that came up with the idea of 'hate speech' as being bad. But Jewish pornographers, they are only exercising 'free speech' with their filth. Double standard, one for Jews and one for Goyim.
07-08-17 15:04:51
sador69 ::: Favorites
07-08-17 19:19:55
merzblau ::: Favorites
hello sador69. you are to be praised at having a opinion. i always support pretend fascists to pretend their views. as long as we can all have a voice we are willing to hear and talk- i think some people are wrong. and so do you! if you voice your opinion sadly you are probably just uninformed rather than the beast you would like to be. thankyou for responding to my mail yours dominic
07-08-18 04:52:53
sador69 ::: Favorites
sador69(blushing) get that thing off your head dom, cheers 07.
07-08-18 12:54:26
sador69 ::: Favorites
One more thing merblau, i respect you are a well meaning gentleman, and I am open to criticism, God knows I am not perfect, but I detect a whiff of a slight inability at command of the English language, maybe you should get someone more proficient to express your views!
07-08-18 15:09:02

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