Monday, August 20, 2007

ardoyne bands

Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-20 18:02:37
User: 25anto
:::: Favorites

republican bands

uvfrfc1 ::: Favorites
fenian bastards
07-07-24 17:37:02
ida1690 ::: Favorites
poor dirty scum ,poor taigs shoot them all
07-07-24 18:04:20
25anto ::: Favorites
fuck sake wise up yous don't know how to use a gun you dirty orange bastard, why don't you just go and suck big ians dick.
07-08-03 08:43:15
theauldflute ::: Favorites
25anto, Gerry and marty are sucking on it!!!! away you and suck your wee bottle! OPPS sorry yous have lost your BOTTLE!!!!!
07-08-15 10:37:35
brummiebear ::: Favorites
looked like a bunch of gypsys, ps fuck yir granda, the asylum seekers are a better class of people than youse vermin...
07-08-05 05:33:06
25anto ::: Favorites
you would know fucking gypsy boy and what the fuck you talking about the asylum seekers are better class than us fuck where does that leave yous drug dealing bastards thats all the uda and all the rest of them fucks are
07-08-05 13:04:27
SnAkEMaN2k7 ::: Favorites
lol wat a laf
07-08-10 18:58:28
aidangstar ::: Favorites
thats it up the ra
07-08-14 02:03:11
ulsterplatoon ::: Favorites
Check out the Pride of Ardoyne Flute Band. A far superior band than that trash, also check out the SPB FGAU
07-08-14 16:54:17
neil1306 ::: Favorites
Looks more like fucking diareah sliding down the toilet boil if ye ask me and what a bunch of ugly cunts ya can always tell your taigs just by your looks
07-08-15 07:37:04

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