Saturday, April 5, 2008

Harry Potter - The Boy Who Lived

Duration: 03:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-18 06:11:38

This is a video about Harry Potter to the song 'Harry Potter' by Moosebutter :) I love this version and I also love the British(ish) version they have done. Find both these versions available for download at: :) & because I'm nice and not many people know the song HERE ARE THE LYRICS!: Harry Potter You live beneath the stairs Harry Potter You got unruly hair Harry Potter The Giant Hagrid He comes to call Your not a muggle after all WIZARD! (Alohamora) Yeahhhh! Harry Potter You got a cloaking cape(?) Harry Potter You hate professor Snape Harry Potter Up in the tower you have your room You started flying on a broon NIMBUS! Yeahhhhh Harry Potter I'm quite sure You like your life in Gryffindor Harry Potter you cast your spell on me! Harry Potter When school starts You fight against the darker arts Harry Potter you cast your spell on me! Yeahhhhhh Harry Potter Your books are super keen I love your bogey flavoured Jelly Bean Harry Potter! You play your Quidditch up in the sky But just beware of the evil eye VOLDERMORT! *gasp* HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMES! ARGH ARGH ARGH! Yeahhhhh Harry Potter I think you will go far Harry Potter I dig your facial scar Harry Potter! When you grow up what will you be? When will you marry Hermione? BOOK 7! "I do haha I'm so pretty!" Yeahhhh Harry Potter Please dont end Harry Potter Your my friend Harry Potter I'll miss you when your gone! HArry Potter let me look at the end of the seventh book I gotta know how things turn out for you! Enjoy :)


unfabulousme  2008-03-30 05:14:25

thank you! xx
tiicklemyfancy  2008-03-30 00:56:11

this is amazing.<3
unfabulousme  2008-03-14 17:36:41

thank you! xxxx
justmenu9  2008-03-14 09:01:59

I LOVE IT! BRILLIANT!! 5/5 & favs
unfabulousme  2008-03-09 06:47:52

it is amazing :) xxx

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