Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Official Opening of the 2008 Venice Carnival

Duration: 03:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-28 12:01:13

Let the dance begin


camelotnax  2008-02-22 13:25:38

I live in Greece and would loved to see New Orleans one day. I know it has been destroyed, much of it, but do you guys still celebrate Marti Gras like usual? I hear its all about beads and tits! haha! I have been to Venice (not Carnival season) and it is a very special place, like a strange dream where you get lost in the maze of small bridges and narrow roads. I hope you get to see it!
lardoss  2008-02-10 09:56:41

Venezia è Venezia!
ZamKata  2008-01-31 04:56:54

wow!!! amazing :D
unelmitchell  2008-01-30 15:17:00

thank you very much for showing the black people because everytime i see somethint about the Venice carnival the usually always show just the white people having fun. thank i am an afro-american male and since you have showed some people of color down there i will take a vacation down there doing that season. i am from New Orleans, and our carnival really suchs very much .
freedomanddemocracy  2008-01-30 10:32:57

initially yes

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