Thursday, October 11, 2007

WLIIA change!

Duration: 03:35 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-23 07:16:28
User: rickarin
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brad is giving miss kitty, colin, a hard time at the salon, when sheriff ryan enters to sort things out. i love their riverdance!!


littletonpace ::: Favorites
my fave too :D
07-10-04 12:52:57
noaj8121986 ::: Favorites
squeeky.. change, ding dong.. change.. (fog horn sound.. lol!
07-09-20 11:22:36
xWiteOutx ::: Favorites
lol colin is always the woman xP
07-08-28 16:36:33
torilto ::: Favorites
I seem to remember some other people in the dream, too, maybe you were one of them... ;o)
07-08-28 15:22:02
torilto ::: Favorites
Or mention your genitalia...
07-08-28 15:20:13
chinesegeordie ::: Favorites
i had a dream about him too! we must have some very warped minds haha
07-08-28 12:09:31
antimony09 ::: Favorites
when in doubt on whose line, riverdance!
07-08-24 15:21:07
leeta13 ::: Favorites
Oooh. Intrigue.
07-08-18 21:39:40
torilto ::: Favorites
Oh! I remember when I see this, I had a dream about Brad last night! Ooooh. Makes me blush to think about it! But really, I like Ryan better. I love his 'squeeky'.
07-08-15 06:18:56
DWinterbourne ::: Favorites
Funniest I've ever seen Brad, lol.
07-08-13 20:12:40

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