Monday, September 3, 2007

Uh Oh...It's that time again!

Duration: 00:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-26 02:10:19
User: Zero9teen
:::: Favorites

I've got big big plans. I know you'll all love it, but I still need your help. I've almost reached my goal to get a very nice HD that will ensure I will never need more space as long as I live. Also, I won't be able to do what I want to do unless I have the extra space, because I'm down to only a couple GBs on here. We all know how much space mass videos and video editing takes, so I need your help! So, as much as I hate to ask, that's the way it is. My paypal is Many of you have been very kind to me in my time on here, and every person who watches my videos is much appreciated. The fact is, I'm dead serious when I say that I'm just about out of room on my computer, and if I want to make more videos...this just has to happen. Obviously I have a job, but with how little I've been making lately it would take me quite some time to save up for what I want on my own. For those who have donated, you, along with anyone else who decides to chip in, will NOT go unrewarded ;) P.S. I promise after I get this HD I will never sellout and ask for money ever again. If you watched my Sonic 3 & Knuckles series you'll understand my situation better. See: Part 2/7.

DominicJozwik ::: Favorites
Dude U rock And u Have A Kewl Room
07-08-31 06:29:26
4lunardragon ::: Favorites
I kinda decided to drop the birthday part of it so now it's just super omega awesome 4lunardragon dedication vid(s) 私は実際に疲れていたり従って眠らなければならない and remember you owe me 120 minutes worth of really really really really good video(s)
07-08-06 01:40:19
jedimaster60 ::: Favorites
but i'm dead...he he dead rising lol....anyways im dead serious i will try to find a way to get ya some money
07-08-03 12:23:38
jedimaster60 ::: Favorites
oops i put a 0 instead 9
07-08-03 12:20:50
jedimaster60 ::: Favorites
zero0teen i would donate to u but i don't even have a job yet... :(
07-08-03 12:20:11
anandsinghsembi ::: Favorites
love ur room it's lyk mine but mine is tiddy lol
07-08-03 09:06:20
Wizardmaren1 ::: Favorites
Damn your room is coll i even see a nights thing in the back I'm jealous of your room
07-08-02 14:07:37
Gamer5567 ::: Favorites
Aw gawd 019, where'd you get the Shadow COntroller, I want one too!
07-07-30 22:55:33
Gamer5567 ::: Favorites
well yes parkesiethehedgehog, it's been out since '06
07-07-27 10:50:59
Dafatlard88 ::: Favorites
yeah dead rising is back and now no more demo ya!!!!
07-07-26 23:41:53

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