Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Silent Hill 1 to 3

Duration: 05:22 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-09 03:26:32
User: deanriam
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My First Silent Hill and Possibly Only One, Contains Major Spoilers On The Three First Games Of The Series I Did Not Include Number 4, don't ask why... Watch At Own Risk!

AngeAzrael ::: Favorites
yeah i remember that in silent hill 2 but i thought he was henry because of the few clips i saw of it. I thought it could be a cheap way for the scriptors to explain what Henry was dreaming. Again, i did not play the game that's why i make up stories like that :)
07-08-02 02:37:44
deanriam ::: Favorites
Actually Walter is the big guy with long blonde hair, whose child self is sort of lost... the only time they mention him in the silent hill series is in a magazine on the trash of the apartment building in silent hill 2, that claims he committed suicide on a jail cell.
07-08-02 01:26:57
AngeAzrael ::: Favorites
i've been watching fungo's clips about sh4 because i never played it but i can figure out that it takes place before silent hill one since Sullivan is a young boy in it. Unless Henry is travlleing through time and sees himself. I don't know, i haven't played it yet.
07-08-01 23:18:58
deanriam ::: Favorites
Not that is not good, but that I don't really consider it a true Silent Hill game.
07-08-01 23:16:38
AngeAzrael ::: Favorites
i heard the game wasn't very good, so i guess that's why you didn't feel like adding it, am i right?
07-08-01 20:43:18
AngeAzrael ::: Favorites
So why exactly didn't you include silent hill 4?
07-08-01 19:28:16
deanriam ::: Favorites
a smiley face with it's eyes closed XD
07-07-22 22:06:59
nbderek ::: Favorites
what's the meaning of XD???
07-07-22 14:15:53
deanriam ::: Favorites
Thank you!
07-05-27 20:34:06
DragonScythe ::: Favorites
very nice work.
07-05-27 14:16:20

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