Saturday, September 15, 2007

Neck Flip, Football Trick

Duration: 00:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-24 00:44:09
User: JohnAcquaviva10
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3 hours practice it took me to learn this trick, that explains the dancing and the celebration at the end. Its not just balancing the ball on my head as you can see in the picture, just watch the video and you will see how cool the trick is. It felt awesome to do this trick for the first time. Dont laugh at my celebration after doing the trick i know its funny but i was really happy. Football Player: John Acquaviva

legacyfighter ::: Favorites
like it
07-09-07 21:24:21
Marcelsoccer ::: Favorites
yup nice trick, now try to perfect it. then we can see you improved :D
07-09-04 16:55:33
wackawoofu ::: Favorites
cool trick, really wierd celebration
07-08-02 17:02:39
dangeeer2 ::: Favorites
wow wow wow thank you very much please took my email and talk with me I am waiting good bye
07-07-19 23:10:51
andresmjc ::: Favorites
cool trick
07-07-09 19:13:01
ajaxplayer04 ::: Favorites
good job, now lean to juggle and flick the ball up and catch it on your neck then do that trick, haha good job
07-07-07 19:17:07
johnpalaceultra ::: Favorites
cool trick bad celebration
07-06-29 15:04:56

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