Friday, September 14, 2007

Me Numa dance!!!

Duration: 03:24 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-08 19:29:40
User: AshiteruNeji
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:::: Top Videos of Day

allright this is me acting like my hero!!!now tho.... if people say i am a fucking retarded loser and have no videos made... i will hunt u done and beat the shit out of u!!! and i wish i were kidding!

AshiteruNeji ::: Favorites
oh ya she does XP
07-08-24 00:33:40
starbucksmunky ::: Favorites
Your mom thinks you're gay
07-08-22 20:46:49
gaarasracoon ::: Favorites
hey watch it a have one like that to
07-05-08 19:06:15
narutardsunite ::: Favorites
youre wearing a cheap costume of hinata.
06-09-14 23:47:33
fma88 ::: Favorites
06-07-12 20:22:21
NejixTentenlover ::: Favorites
You go girl! Don't listen to him(or her) that was friggen hilarious. :D *Rates 5*
06-06-07 02:47:31
Kaiyasha ::: Favorites
Freaken hilarious... hahaha i loved it. you're so funny. i think you're awesome for making this!!! (.^_^.)
06-05-30 21:26:47
sasukegirl06 ::: Favorites
funny I love it!
06-05-30 15:22:55
sakutenten ::: Favorites
omg rach!!!!!!!! this is so beyond funny!!!!
06-05-29 23:30:35
AshiteruNeji ::: Favorites
that was my mom XP since i was dancing i couldn't stop and tell her to go away
06-05-27 16:55:17

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