Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dr Kirksey Vascular Surgeon Penn Presby Carotid Surgery

Duration: 07:44 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-04 19:18:40
User: leekirksey
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Blood vessel is opened and plaque is romoved. Carotid Endarterectomy to prevent stroke. Share this with a friend. You may save their life.

Lolifier ::: Favorites
Only if you cut the artery. Or how you spell it
07-09-07 21:19:51
Larg127 ::: Favorites
It is a procedure called carotoid endocardectomy. Basically it involves a vascular surgeon going in and "Cleaning" the carotoid artery of plaque which will allow the blood to flow to the brain.
07-09-06 19:52:59
fathomsdeep ::: Favorites
Oh god, that looks gross... but... good job for saving someone's life! *high-fives*
07-08-09 19:43:02
nbanos ::: Favorites
That is SO amazing!! Good job. I can't stand the thought of broken or cut bones so I couldn't watch the other ones...I can't imagine the recovery process of this surgery!
07-07-05 15:21:23
darkmaster010 ::: Favorites
btw, if it was the throat they were cutting into, shouldnt ther be alot of blood?
07-06-26 04:29:39
darkmaster010 ::: Favorites
where r they cutting into? looks like the leg or sumfink. can anyone tell me where?
07-06-26 04:27:00
k40nflux ::: Favorites
i just did one of these two days ago. i got to sew one half of the patch in! awesome case.
07-05-27 20:38:12
IrishBarFight ::: Favorites
hmm..interesting. My grandpa had this exact surgery last year. Left him with a nice scar, too.
07-05-18 11:16:30
franciswongys ::: Favorites
Thank you doctors, You're great
07-05-15 17:27:59
CocoMunky ::: Favorites
LOL"did you make that small and slow for dramatic effect?" silly doctors XD
07-05-04 05:19:50

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