Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Deleted Comments

Duration: 01:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-11 01:20:11
User: UndiscoveredJulie
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I'm done with people freaking out because I delete their comments. Here is my reasoning for those of you so curious as to why your comment(s) disappeared. Knowing human nature, I expect the comments on this video to be the dirtiest of all. Hopefully these expectations are a lack of my faith in you who are known to dirty-up comment walls.

UndiscoveredJulie ::: Favorites
haha Oh, you. Okay, what do you mean, "I less than three Ju-liee." I less than three? I don't understand.
07-09-10 01:26:18
Sco6014 ::: Favorites
LOL!!! You were laughing/smiling then BOOM instantly serious. BRILLIANT! lol... oh by the way You FAIL! You CAN'T ACT! (Just kidding) I less than three Ju-liee
07-09-09 23:07:00
mivoix ::: Favorites
Well, I WAS going to be the bigger man - as per your advice - and back down... but, your inciting words have precluded that course of action. I can't believe this idiot can't find the delete button. What a spackathon!
07-08-19 14:15:03
UndiscoveredJulie ::: Favorites
Wow. You two keep it up.
07-08-18 18:59:14
mivoix ::: Favorites
Aww. Flybywir really looks out for me - and such an emphatic goodbye. What a cutie. I hope she eventually finds that "delete comment" button; she's dedicated so much of her life to searching for it. I love Flybywir.
07-08-18 07:55:50
flybywir ::: Favorites
I'm bored now....You be sure to stay on the medication.......BYE!
07-08-18 07:51:27
mivoix ::: Favorites
Well it does on mine. I even just deleted that last post to prove it to you. Are you looking in the right place?
07-08-18 07:44:34
flybywir ::: Favorites
I think you mean that you DISCARDED your comments, BEFORE you posted them...The reason that I think this is because it is not possible to POST a comment on someone else's video and subsequently DELETE it, at least not on the Utube I'm using!!........
07-08-18 07:40:02
mivoix ::: Favorites
Make me!
07-08-18 07:26:22
flybywir ::: Favorites
07-08-18 07:24:32

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