Thursday, August 16, 2007

My Speed Stacking Progress

Duration: 05:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-08 11:08:02
User: skatetwin5
:::: Favorites

This is my speed stacking progress from January to June 2007.

mernaaaa ::: Favorites
wtf how do that there is an order or something?
07-07-20 10:58:34
skatetwin5 ::: Favorites
yeah, there's a certain routine
07-07-20 10:59:46
azurskye ::: Favorites
Just so learners are aware, the author commits several fumbles while up-stacking. These are against the rules. I'll break down the fumble rules in several messages here due to the character limitations...
07-07-30 16:18:11
azurskye ::: Favorites
3 Types of fumbles: Tipping (1 or more stacked cups falls over), sliding (1 or more cups slides onto another cup), and toppling (stack of cups falls over). Tipping can occur in either up- or down-stacking, where as sliding usually occurs in up-stacking and toppling usually occurs in down-stacking.
07-07-30 16:21:19
azurskye ::: Favorites
Up-stack phase: Any fumbles (tipping and sliding mostly) must be fixed before you can move on to the next stack. If a cup fumbles on an earlier stack, you must backtrack by down-stacking in reverse order to where the fumble occurred, then fix it and proceed forward again. It is against the rules to either break this order in fixing the fumble, or, as the author of this video does several times, ignore the fumble altogether.
07-07-30 16:23:04
azurskye ::: Favorites
Down-stack phase: Tipping fumbles must be fixed immediately before moving on, where as toppling fumbles can be fixed at any time during the down-stack phase. By the way, all of these points are addressed in the "Getting Started" section of the DVD that comes with the Speed Stacking kit. Good luck!
07-07-30 16:26:13
skatetwin5 ::: Favorites
i know i fumbled and i know how to fix them. i just didnt feel like fixing them this time :)
07-07-31 08:00:25
tqsuited ::: Favorites
She was just practicing not necessarily aiming for 100% perfection each time, sheesh. I think just one comment would've got your point across rather than writing an essay.
07-08-02 12:04:41
tqsuited ::: Favorites
Sorry i shouldve made it a reply to azurskye, still you dont need a lecture about fumbles like that heh
07-08-10 08:04:33
Juanah92 ::: Favorites
u lucky! u have mini cups that was good im practicing for like a month (with some plastic party cups... those cups arent for sell here in portugal :( ) and my fastest is 17 seconds... my cups arent very good
07-08-15 16:50:03

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