Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mitt Romney v. Snowmen

Duration: 00:52 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-30 10:43:18
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

Mitt on subjecting himself to potential snowmen questions at a CNN/YouTube debate.

oolong2 ::: Favorites
07-07-30 11:54:05
quixoto ::: Favorites
You left out the best part of that interview, when a caller asked Mitt how he's going to pay for college, and Mitt pretty much blew him off and even said "I don't think the government should have any large role in education." Yeesh. I think I agree with the snowman.
07-07-30 15:09:12
theprogressivetruth ::: Favorites
If reich-wingers can't face snowmen, how can they face terrorists?
07-07-30 15:18:21
mongoos150 ::: Favorites
Pass. Can I have the last 52 seconds of my life back?
07-08-01 02:25:39
Proph112 ::: Favorites
He's Weak & Full of It!
07-08-01 03:43:00
BoruJudasDedrich ::: Favorites
level of respectfulness = uncontrolled questions They fear uncontrolled questions that they might not have a rehearsed answer for. Bwhahahahahha
07-08-01 11:35:05
jpiccion ::: Favorites
Actually, it is easier to have rehearsed answers for the YouTube debates b/c... Guess what? ...all of the questions are public videos and are online over a month before the debate
07-08-08 17:16:16
Olympion ::: Favorites
Romney is a scumbag.
07-08-17 07:45:49

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