Saturday, August 18, 2007

Lieberman's efforts to attack Iran.

Duration: 03:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-11 09:46:40
User: TheYoungTurks
:::: Favorites

Cenk Uygur and Ned Lamont talk about Joe Lieberman and the Bush Administartion coming together for a strategy on Iran.

FranklyMisterShankly ::: Favorites
I'll just say one word: AIPAC. Look it up.
07-06-12 13:21:04
IckyThump101 ::: Favorites
thankyou sir, you have opened my knowledge up on this
07-06-13 08:37:20
PhatPhing ::: Favorites
People of Conneticut, please show your support for Sen Lieberman and report to your nearest recruitment office immediately.
07-06-12 16:01:51
IckyThump101 ::: Favorites
do the dance!
07-06-13 08:36:13
kittyh1 ::: Favorites
Of course Lieberman is carrying water for the president. It is why the Republicans in Connecticut voted for an independent.....
07-06-13 11:44:21
sirfleabert ::: Favorites
Shame on Joe Lieberman for sounding like FDR, Truman, and JFK!
07-06-14 14:13:01
mujaku ::: Favorites
The great dark secret that AIPAC bears is that in order for Israel to survive Jews must be persecuted. Why else would the U.S. support Israel if she didn't appear to be a target of Islamic terrorists? Without such support how is Israel to survive? Hence, the job of AIPAC is market Jewish persecution. Anyone want to buy AIPAC's spin on Iran that Sen. Lieberman is hawking?
07-06-17 23:59:32
hopups ::: Favorites
yes, AIPAC, Iran is in our future, Bush is going to commit the US before he leaves. At that point, there will be no going back. His agenda will continue.
07-07-21 21:49:10

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