Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Family Guy - Spoofing England

Duration: 02:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-28 21:03:28
User: anthonyn66
:::: Favorites

All the funniest spoofs of England by Family Guy. Please subscribe me, if you subscribe me, I'll subscribe you back.

BroNX4151 ::: Favorites
Shut up u prejudice i play football without padding all the time but england shitty in ball so stop dat n dont call americans pussies
07-08-13 13:42:47
PirateGuy01 ::: Favorites
Yeah I gotta say...I'm from America...and Bronx4151 should stfu. You're a close minded idiot. Quit taking so much offense, I swear to god there are people make fun of Americans in every country across the world because of how pompous and prick-ish we are. We are not the greatest country on earth and I think it's high time we figure it out. And I'd like to see you go ahead and actually rugby or soccer against the freaking Brits. Moron.
07-08-13 22:03:01
Clempt90 ::: Favorites
love it and quite true. we deserve the piss taking out of us at times, wasnt too bad either. love the british porn
07-08-14 16:06:20
dormentmistress ::: Favorites
OMG! xD This is freakin hilarious! I'm from England, and I think it's funny how the others have taken offense to it. xD It's just a laugh.
07-08-14 19:14:48
Candyclouds143 ::: Favorites
:40 - :47 ROFL!
07-08-15 12:19:56
xXx13cornholio13xXx ::: Favorites
fuck america, fuck england...WERE EVEN! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP THE BOTH OF YEE! besides england is pretty kool id love to visit, but i live in america, america is kool too so SHHH!
07-08-16 14:42:42
ElyonsGhost ::: Favorites
umm elizabeth who??? + how come they dont show anything from doctor who, thats british you'd expect they to take the pizz out of that.
07-08-17 06:26:32
gamergod12 ::: Favorites
TheWhiteHelmetLives ur right they have American Football and wear protection where as we have Rugby and dont bother with padding crap but some Americans are cool:D :P
07-08-20 02:12:49
Stormsoldier7 ::: Favorites
lol i've never seen anyone english play american football
07-08-20 21:25:25
ConverseKiddy ::: Favorites
LOL england is nothing like that :P haha plus who wears night gowns? :P i love it when america does england, there so bad at it :P
07-08-21 08:58:11

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